Friday, February 2, 2018

2017-18 Winter Sport Team Captains

Congratulations to the following student-athletes who have been elected to serve as team captains this fall. Best of luck this season! 

Basketball, Boys
Eric Conrad ’19
Gage Miller ’18

Basketball, Girls
Caroline Wilson ’18

Ice Hockey, Boys
Sean Boden ’18
Kevin Carrera ’20

Ice Hockey, Girls
Kari Gould ’19

Swimming & Diving, Boys
Maxcy Denmark ’19
Colby Jensen ’18
Jacob Townsend ’18

Swimming & Diving, Girls
Priya Bajracharya ’18
Alyssa Fragano ’18
Kelsea McCabe ’19

Track & Field, Boys
Joey Papapietro ’18

Track & Field, Girls
Amanda Karch ’18

Paul Cody ’19